Scarsi Immobiliare

Property for rent

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Found 5 property listed


Apartment in Silvano d'Orba

For rent in Silvano d'Orba
100 Sq. mt. - 5 Rooms 13 € 400

Apartment new construction in Capriata d'Orba

For rent in Capriata d'Orba
Our agency located in Silvano d'Orba in Via Roma, 10 offers you within the complex of the Villa Carolina Golf Club in Capriata d'Orba: a new accommodation on the first floor with covered loggia inserted within the exclusive setting of the Golf and with private cart space in the basement. The
40 Sq. mt. - 1 Rooms 11 € 500

Apartment excellent in Silvano d'Orba

For rent in Silvano d'Orba
50 Sq. mt. - 3 Rooms 11 € 350